Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Buddy Dive Resort In Bonaire Is Tops For Divers

Carissa and I just spent a a week at Buddy Dive Resort in Bonaire on a trip organized by our local dive shop, Seaventures in Roswell GA.  Other then me getting ill on the 2nd day, we had a great time and will do it again.  There are a lot of oddball reviews out there on Buddy's, so I wanted to write my own to throw my $0.02 into the mix.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

GoPro Cameras DO Fail! My Warranty Story

Why no recent posts?  Other then life getting insane recently, my wife and I took our brand new shiny GoPro Hero 4 Black to Key Largo, FL on a diving trip to cut out teeth on it.  We wanted experience playing with it before traveling internationally with it, in case we discovered we needed some random accessory.  What started with the best of intentions lasted about 4 minutes and ended in panic.

IT Accountability: Avoiding Murphy

Amongst technology experts, Murphy is someone we all try to avoid.  Murphy's Law states "Anything that can go wrong, will".  E...